Getting Started

This section will lead you step by step to create a cellular connection with the Sixfab CORE

Welcome to Sixfab CORE, your gateway to hassle-free cellular IoT connections for Single Board Computers (SBCs). This guide will walk you through the essential steps to get started with Sixfab CORE, enabling you to seamlessly set up your cellular modem, configure the operating system, and establish a robust connection for your IoT devices.

System Requirements

Sixfab CORE needs some requirements. It cannot be installed on devices other than these. To install and manage Sixfab CORE on your device, please refer to the system requirements provided below.


The kits listed below encompass all the necessary hardware components you require.


It is only compatible with the operating systems listed below and not with any other.

Supported Modules

Except for the cellular modules listed below, Sixfab CORE does not support any other module.


  • EC25 - A, E, EUX
  • EC21 - A, E
  • EG25 - G


  • LE910Cx - EU, NF, AP

Note: The Telit LE910C4 module is not compatible with the 32-bit Raspberry Pi Debian Bookworm operating system. Therefore, this module should only be used with the 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS with Debian Bookworm.

Sixfab SIM

Sixfab CORE only supports devices that utilize Sixfab SIM. If you intend to use a different SIM, please refer to the Tutorials page to follow the appropriate cellular connectivity guide suitable for your needs.

1. Hardware Setup

Please follow the hardware installation instructions provided on the 'Getting Started' page of the kit you possess, or refer to the Raspberry Pi 3G/4G & LTE Base HAT - Getting Started page for Raspberry Pi.

2. Sign In

Head over to and sign in using your login credentials.

3. Add Coupon Code (optional)

If you have a credit coupon, use it from the dashboard by going to Billing -> Add Credit -> Coupon Code and enter your code.

Sixfab CORE Installation

4. Register Asset

To initialize the Sixfab CORE device, an active Sixfab SIM asset is required.
If you don’t have one, please register and activate a SIM from the "Assets -> Register Asset" section.

Sixfab CORE Installation

Skip this step if you already have an active registered asset.

5. Create CORE Device

Navigate to the details of the asset you want to install the CORE device for on the Assets page.

Click on the 'Initialize CORE Device' button located in the Sixfab CORE section within the asset details.

Sixfab CORE Installation

6. Select Board

Select the hardware board you want to install Sixfab CORE on and proceed.

Sixfab CORE Installation

7. Select Location

Here, choose according to your location.

GlobalFor devices to be deployed Worldwide
EMEAFor devices to be deployed in Europe, the Middle East and Africa
APACFor devices to be deployed in Asia-Pacific only
Sixfab CORE Installation

8. Copy Installation Code

Sixfab CORE Installation

9. Unplug USB Adapter

If it is already plugged in, please unplug the USB adapter from the HAT.

10. Run Installation Code

📖 Note

If you are using Jetson Nano, update your system by installing the available updates and install curl.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl

Open a terminal and run the installation code you have just copied.

device@sixfab:~ $ sudo bash -c "$(curl -sN" -- -t YOUR_TOKEN_APPEARS_HERE' .&@&. %% .%@% #@@@% *&@@@&. %@@@# &@@&. .&@@% .%@@@@@%/. .%@@&. ,&@@% %@@&. /@@@# *&@@@@&&&@@@@&, %@@&* .&@@& /@@@* .@@@# &@@&( (@@@% #@@&, *@@@* %@@&. #@@&. (@@@, ,&@@( .@@@( &@@# %@@&. #@@&. /@@@, *&@@( .@@@( &@@# *@@@* .&@@# %@@@# %@@@# #@@&, /@@@, %@@&, *@@@% .&@@@@@@@@@@@%. .&@@&, ,&@@% %@@&* %@@# *#%%%#* #@@% *&@@% (@@@&. .&@@&/ #@# #@# ____ _ __ _ ____ / ___|(_)_ __/ _| __ _| |__ / ___|___ _ __ ___ \___ \| \ \/ / |_ / _` | '_ \ | | / _ \| '__/ _ \ ___) | |> <| _| (_| | |_) | | |__| (_) | | | __/ |____/|_/_/\_\_| \__,_|_.__/ \____\___/|_| \___| ===================================================== [INFO] Creating sixfab user... [INFO] Updating sudoers... [INFO] Sudoers updated [INFO] Updating system package index... [INFO] Looking for dependencies... [INFO] Board: Raspberry Pi - OS: Raspbian [INFO] Installing Sixfab ATCom tool... [INFO] Sixfab ATCom installed [INFO] Git is not installed, installing... [INFO] Pip for python3 is not installed, installing... [INFO] Initializing environment file... [INFO] Initialized environment file [INFO] Downloading agent source... [INFO] Installing agent dependencies... [INFO] Installed agent dependencies. [INFO] Initializing agent service... [INFO] Agent service initialized successfully. [INFO] Downloading manager source... [INFO] Installing manager dependencies... [INFO] Installed manager dependencies. [INFO] Initializing manager service... [INFO] Manager service initialized successfully. [INFO] Removing ModemManager... [DONE] Installation completed successfully. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Press ENTER to reboot your system. (Recommended) Press Ctrl+C (^C) to finish installation without reboot. Reminder: Plug the USB cable to Sixfab HAT! Warning: Network priority settings will be effective after reboot! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

11. Plug the USB cable

After the installation is successfully completed, press 'Enter' to restart the device, and then plug the USB cable to the HAT.

12. Enjoy Hassle-Free IoT Connectivity

Congratulations! You've successfully set up Sixfab CORE for your device. Your IoT devices are now seamlessly connected, and you have the tools to monitor, diagnose, and manage them remotely. Explore additional features and customization options within the Sixfab CORE dashboard for an optimized IoT experience.

After the installation is complete, give some time for the CORE services to configure your modem and establish the cellular connection. If everything goes well, you will see the data on your CORE Dashboard page as shown below.

Sixfab CORE Installation

📖 Firmware Check for Telit modules

Check the Firmware version under the LTE Modem. The AT#SWPKGV command returns the firmware revision details.

As for now, the latest FW versions are:

  • Telit LE910C1 - NF : 25.21.260
  • Telit LE910C1 - EU : 25.21.220
  • Telit LE910C4 - NF : 25.21.660
  • Telit LE910C4 - EU : 25.21.670
  • Telit LE910C4 - AP : 25.21.680

If the module has an old FW, you can find the latest FW in the module's firmware tab on the "Cellular Modems Technical Documents and Compliance" page.

Follow the Telit Firmware Upgrade Guide