Deploying OpenHAB

OpenHAB deployment guide for ALPON X4 with Docker on Sixfab Connect.

OpenHAB is a flexible open-source home automation platform that integrates various devices and systems for smart home functionality. This guide uses the official OpenHAB container for setup. For additional configuration options, refer to the OpenHAB documentation.

This guide walks you through deploying OpenHAB on the ALPON X4. By leveraging containerization, you can easily manage and update your OpenHAB instance while ensuring compatibility with your device's architecture.

For advanced configurations, extensions, or troubleshooting, refer to the official OpenHAB documentation.


Ensure the openhab/openhab container is available in your Sixfab registry. If it is not, follow these steps to add it:

  1. Open a terminal on your personal computer and pull the OpenHAB container:

    docker pull --platform=linux/arm64 openhab/openhab:4.2.2
  2. Log in to the Sixfab Connect platform, navigate to the Sixfab Registry page
  3. Click on + Add Container and follow the prompts to push container to Sixfab registry.


    Manage and Deploy Applications

    Visit the Manage & Deploy Applications page for all the necessary details on pushing your container image to the Sixfab Registry.

Alternative Deployment Option:

If you prefer not to use the Sixfab registry, select the I would like to use my own container path option during deployment and enter: openhab/openhab:4.2.2

This will deploy the container directly from Docker Hub.


  1. Go to the Application section of your asset on Sixfab Connect.

  2. Click the + Deploy button to configure and deploy the container.

  3. In the Deploy Container window, use the following settings:

    • Container Name: openhab

    • Image: Select the OpenHAB image and tag pushed to the Sixfab Registry, or follow the steps mentioned in the 'Alternative Deployment Option'.

    • Volumes: Click "+ Add More" in the Volumes section and configure the following volumes:

      Read/WriteLocal PathTarget Path

    • Enable the "Host Network" option.

    • Click the "+ Deploy" button to deploy OpenHAB.

Check Deployment

Once deployment is complete:

  • Locate the local IP address. The device's IP address can be viewed under Assets Details → Network tab → Interface Monitoring — Details.
  • Open a web browser and navigate to: http://<DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS>:8080 to access the OpenHAB dashboard.