Can't find the answer you're looking for? We've shared some of our most frequently asked questions to help you out!
Does it support Sixfab SIM?
Sixfab SIM is a global SIM that can connect to 344 Networks in 174 countries across the world and compatible with almost all cellular network technologies — the exception is NB-IoT and 5G, which is not supported.
Does it support GNSS?
Jumpstart 5G does not support GNSS.
Which SIM Card does it support?
Any 5G compatible SIM.
What are the steps to be taken after rewriting the Raspberry Pi OS image to the SD card?
The micro SD card that comes with Jumpstart 5G is pre-installed with Raspberry Pi OS image. You can download this image by clicking here. However, if you choose to overwrite it yourself, specific configurations will need to be made. These configurations are listed below.
Updated 9 months ago