Switch the active eSIM profile on the ALPON device using JSON stream for real-time progress tracking.
The ICCID of the profile to switch to must be provided in the request body.

Status Types:
There are three types of status events:

  • Running: The switching process is in progress.
  • Success: The switching process was successful.
  • Fail: The switching process failed.

Example of a running json stream:

{"status": "Running", "step": "ENABLE_PROFILE_CHECK_PROFILE_EXIST", "message": "Retrieving Profile", "progress": "20"}

Example of a successful json stream:

{"status": "Success", "step": "SUCCESS", "message": "Successfully switched profile: <iccid>", "progress": "100"}

Example of a failed json stream:

{"status": "Fail", "step": "ERROR", "message": "Error while switching eSIM profile.", "progress": "100"}

Possible Error Codes:

  • AssetNotFound: The asset with the specified ID was not found.
  • AssetNotAlponDevice: The device is not an ALPON device.
  • ErrorNoIccid: ICCID not provided in the payload.
  • ErrorNoProfile: No SIM profile found for the specified ICCID.
  • Unknown: An unknown error occurred while switching eSIM profile.
  • DeviceNotReachable: The device is not reachable.
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Path Params

Serial Number, UUID, SIM SID or SIM ICCID

Body Params

ICCID of the SIM card to switch to.


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