Download a new eSIM profile to the ALPON device using JSON stream for real-time progress tracking.
Status Types:
There are three types of status events:
- Running: The download is in progress.
- Success: The download was successful.
- Fail: The download failed.
Example of a running JSON stream:
{"status": "Running", "step": "DOWNLOAD_PROFILE_INITIALIZE_SECURE_CHANNEL", "message": "Downloading Profile", "progress": "50"}
Example of successful JSON stream:
"status": "Success",
"step": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Successfully downloaded Profile",
"progress": "100",
"profiles": [
"aid": "<aid>",
"iccid": "<iccid>",
"provider_name": "Sixfab",
"state": true
"aid": "<aid>",
"iccid": "<iccid>",
"provider_name": "Downloaded Profile",
"state": false
Example of a failed JSON stream:
{"status": "Fail", "step": "ERROR", "message": "Error while downloading eSIM profile.", "progress": "100"}
Possible Error Codes:
- AssetNotFound: The asset with the specified ID was not found.
- AssetNotAlponDevice: The device is not an ALPON device.
- ErrorNoActCode: act_code not provided in the payload.
- ErrorNoApn: apn not provided in the payload.
- ErrorNoName: name not provided in the payload.
- Unknown: An unknown error occurred.
- DeviceNotReachable: The device is not reachable.
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