✨ Sixfab CORE Now Supports Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm!

Hey tech enthusiasts! Big news – Raspberry Pi has released a new version of the Debian Linux-based Raspberry Pi operating system, bringing with it support for the newly released Raspberry Pi 5: Raspberry Pi operating system "Bookworm". If you're into Sixfab CORE, good news for you too!

Here's the deal: If you upgraded your device with Sixfab CORE to "Bookworm", update your device from CORE Dashboard -> Device Maintenance.

We recommend a clean installation to avoid possible errors.
To install Sixfab CORE on your new device, all you have to do is run the installation code on this device. The installation code is in the "Device Maintenance" tab. You're all set with the coolest features.

This update isn't just a regular one; it's your pass to a better Raspberry Pi experience, especially if you're into Sixfab CORE. So, no more waiting – give your Raspberry Pi a boost and let the tech fun begin! 🚀